AKADEMİK™ Psychiatry &Psychotherapy Centre
Our Services
At the AKADEMIK Psychiatry & Psychotherapy Centre we aim to treat a variety of psychiatric problems. Our main areas of interest are:
- Anxiety disorders: Panic disorder, phobic disorders, generalized anxiety disorder, social phobia.
- Obsessive compulsive disorder:Obsessive compulsive disorder and associated conditions.
- Mood disorders: Depression, manic depressive psychosis, bipolar disorders.
- Drug and alcohol: Abuse and dependence.
- Psychotic disorders: Schizophrenia and associated conditions, delusional disorder, paranoia
- Sexual dysfunction:Premature ejaculation, vaginismus, lack of sexual drive, erectile dysfunction, orgasm problems and similar.
- Neuropsychiatry: Alzheimer’s disease and other causes of dementia, behavioural and psychological problems due to old age or various psychological problems.
- Cancer psychiatry
- Eating disorders: Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder
- Psychiatric disorders associated with a medical condition.
We can summarize the methods we apply in the treatment of psychiatric disorders and psychiatric problems as follows:
- Basic medical approach: According to this basic approach in psychological health, which is based on a medical model, there is a corresponding area in the human brain for every psychological and behavioural problem. Psychopharmacological therapies and other physical therapies are applied within this framework.
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: With this psychotherapy technique you will find the opportunity to review and correct your unhealthy and negative thoughts and behaviour in a systematic manner.
- Group therapy: In psychotherapy sessions of this kind the aim is to bring together individuals with similar psychological and physical problems and create an environment for discussions and interaction.
- Sexual therapies
Supporting techniques used in the treatment of diagnosing psychiatric disorders:
- Routine EEG
- Quantitative EEG (qEEG)
- Brain Mapping
- Neurocognitive Tests